Friday, April 30, 2010

My Bestest Friend's Wedding

Actually hari tu emo gila sampai tak boleh nk tulis entry. Sedih punya pasal bestfriend nak kawin. Dalam 6 orang tu, saya paling ngam dengan minah sorang ni. memang sekepala habis.

Masz, Thanks very2 much for EVERYTHING..! Tuhan je tau. Thanks sebab bersabar dengan aku yang selalu membebel2 or marah2 ko (orang selalu confuse bila tengok masz kena 'marah', masz je yang tau bila saya serius and bila tak). Thanks for being my partner in MOST of the assignments. Lab partner especially, yang menuntut kesabaran yang sangat tinggi. haha. Thanks for lending your ears listening to all my problems with you-know-who. Thanks sebab sudi pujuk aku bila-bila aku menangis sebab apa saja. hehe. And last but not least, THANKS for still being there after whatever we had been through. (We passed it anyways kan?? hehe)

Aku tau lepas ni kau dah ade Bob tapi just in case, remember that I'll be here. Perlu story mory dengan aku okayy. I wish you all the best. Jadi isteri yang solehah. Be nice!

Kita zaman dolu2...

1 comment:

  1. After 2 years baru aku baca benda ni..terharu sgt2..hehe..thanks
