meraung-raunglah kakngahmu melihatnya..hahaha...
Lately Hanis seems to have another fav-weird-annoying question.
"Hanis nak makan ape?????"
She asks that Q to everybody..and she will repeat it again and again sampai orang bg makanan yg tepat untuk die makan.
Weh! Agak2 la..sendiri nk makan pon malas nk pk ke???
But I really LOVE to bother her..Haha..suke2! Suke dgr die merungut2 dgn muke bajet-tak-ingat die tu..Huhu...Alangkah kejamnya kaklong dia...
Another fav word of her.. "Senyap2!" Haha..Kau la senyap!
my name hanis sufiah too .