Friday, January 30, 2009
::Counting Days::
balik ke sekolah dan berhadapan dengan timetable baru..
budak2 baru..especially 2J yang sangat menakutkan..
Thursday, January 29, 2009
::Reasons why I'd chose to live alone::
When people knew that I live in Shah Alam while family's JUST in KL, people usually got confused..yeah..since i'm not teaching in S.A pn..Sunway tu fr kL pn dkt. haha. I've my own reason alright.
1. I started to live in hostels since I was 13. Until 23 when I finished my studies. So I guess I just get used to it. Living alone.
2. Living at home with my family just SO comfortable..having everyone in the house..and it just feel like vacation. haha. So now that I'm working (it's a serious matter) I can't 'having vacation' all the time. Too safe.
3. I need to learn about life. Paying my own bills. Cleaning my own house. Cooking my own meals! haha. Itu part yang paling penting. I cook okay, but my problem is I don't like sharing kitchen so if I stayed at home, SURELY my mum will do all the cooking. Perananku cuma yang kecil-kecil aje. huhu. potong memotong dan kacau mengacau. Sampai bila betul tak?? So that I chose to 'emancipate'..hihi.. [Okay this was the problem..I'm surrounded by people that ALWAYS think that 'tak pandai masak tak boleh kawin' it freaked the hell out of me...that's why I cook all the time in S.A..besides the fact that I love to eat! ngengenge]
4. Last but not least..I just need my own space..that's all. =)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
::nak tengok wayang!!!!!::

And now I missed TGV..huhu..please la weh..anybody bring me there! My kakngah's too busy nursing at Tawakal. She's the only one cinema-partner that I've got. besides Nad..who's apparently not HERE..Blk la kL Nad oi..huhu.
Anyway, what's the latest movie?? hahah.. erm..I'm planning to watch MAUT..The promo sounds interesting especially when I heard Que Haidar's dialogue "Quran tu sape tulis?!" Huhu. Any other interesting movies coming out?? Let me know.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Suddenly I missed all these girls..Masz,Intan,Sara,Anim & Zima. Who are they? They're my bestfriends in campus back then.
I don't exactly remember how we met. Erm..Zima was my schoolmate (KISAS), so she was the first one I knew. (We were not friends in KISAS..haha..She said I was sombong!) Then came Masz. She was Faizah's friend. (Who's Faizah? haha..she was Zima's roommate) While Masz,Anim and Sara already knew each other. Anim and Intan pulak was roommates during orientation week. (and diorang melekat sampai practical in Taiping!) So since Masz,Anim,Intan and myself were majoring the same thing (Chemistry) so we always had classes together. So did Sara and Zima since they were both majoring in Maths. So we got close since then.
Let me describe each and every one of them..erm..
-Masz is (because she still is) the closest to me. We've the same ideas of what and where to shop and eat. We even have the same 'taste' in guys. ngengengenge. She's a good listener,pandai urut ;) and GILE!
-Intan was my balik-kL mate. She's HAPPY GO LUCKY..hardly saw sadness in her. Very bersopan santun person..haha..She uses names when talk with people. Tapi kereta die ganasssss..huhu =P
-Anim...erm...When we sat together,there will be SILENCE. huhu..What I can say bout her is she cute..has an actively moving brain too. ;)
-Sara was my King Edward mate during practical. She's TALKATIVE! haha. getting married in March. Hampeh ko tinggalkan aku..Takpe2..Kite dh jnji, if aku tak start, aku akan jd penutup. huhuhu........... Zima has her own mood..she had a lot of cat-fight with tau!!
We did SO MANY stuff together. Good and the bad ones. haha. Not bad like BAD..we were just enjoying every moments in our campus-life. We went to the library together..Eat together..Picnic and shopping together..We even ponteng kelas together! haha.. Sometimes when we were separated, people around (especially our coursemates) would ask, "mane yg lain?"..haha..c'mon la..we still got our own stuff to take care of. huhu.
Sara,Anim and Intan were my housemates in Matang during our practical. And most of the time Masz were there too! haha. (I know u missed me =P) There were weekends where Zima came by and we had the girls night outs..also a little picnic at a waterfall. So that was the last moments that we were really BE TOGETHER. God I missed those moments!
So bestfriends...Where in the world are you now???? How does life treating you? When's our next meeting? huhu..My point is..I MISS US.. =(
Monday, January 26, 2009
Huhu......How am I gonna teach this subject..????
About this particular book that I'm reading, (Yes, I still am) "Laskar Pelangi"..
Okay Nad..that review's for you. =)
p/s: what about PGL?? Jadi ke tak?? Ko tak reti2 ke nk hiburkan hati bestfriend ko yang tgh gundah gulana nih????
Sunday, January 25, 2009
::From me::
Setiba di persimpangan
Langkah kita tak lagi sehaluan
Bermula di saat itu
Tidak senada irama dan lagu
Begitu hidup ini
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti
Kau telah jauh, jauh dariku
Tiada ruang di hati buatmu
Namun harusku akui
Ada ketika di minda kau menjelma kembali
Sekali sekala ada
Ada rindu yang datang tiba2
Tak mungkin kerana sayang
Cuma terganggu oleh perasaan
10 things that WILL make me happy =)

1. GOD
pray and mengaji..will make me calm, relax and happy
mama & abah..whatever happen, i know they'll always be there for me
3. my Siblings
kakngah who always be my shopping-partner,
Although they are sometimes annoying..huhu..but, whatever..
they are my "air-yang-dicincang-takkan-putus"
Did so many crazy things out there. haha.
5. my Job
teaching profession. I'm lovin' it! How tough it will always make me happy
6. my Students
7. Music
listening to beautiful songs make me feel alive
8. Food
haha..i eat when I stress out
9. NEAT and nice House
rumahku syurgaku kn?? huhu. I love decorating and cleaning my house..
10. Shopping
owh my God..this one SURELY makes me happy! haha
All right, those are my 10 fav things at THIS moment. Realized what's missing there? Yup..that one just makes me miserable right don't bother to include THAT in my list.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
::New Timetable::
Penyelia Petang, Pn Irene even said "ini cikgu yang attitude nye sangat baik, terima saja apa subjek pun" while she handed the new timetable to me. [dalam hati aku berkata-kata, is there any options for me NOT TO ACCEPT the timetable?? Exactly, NO.]
So now I'm officially have identity NO MORE. The thing is, I have to teach 2J, which was previously failed-to-teach-agama class. After this class had been separated from 2I, I could teach 2I without any problem, showing that 2J was the source of problem. But now I have to teach Pend. Seni to 2J..Owh God, help me out.
Conclusion, now I'm gonna teach 4 subjects - BM, Agama, Seni and Sejarah. Automatically entitled me 'guru berdedikasi' there. Whatever!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
::Karangan anak muridku::
Tajuk : Hari Pertama di Sekolah Menengah
hahahahahahaha....sampai situ je nak share...ngengengenge...........
::A week as an Ustazah::
6 January 2009
7 January 2009
8 January 2009
9 January 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
in JAWI for this subject. =)